The CDMA Certification Forum and its Members are dedicated to improving the quality and time-to-market of all CDMA devices by using a common test process that ensures that they all conform to the same quality and performance standards established by the industry participants and standards bodies. The CCF also addresses the testing and certification of new/emerging technologies such as M2M, applications testing and more. CCF Members are organized in working groups that develop processes that help vendors and operators to successfully and rapidly get their devices through certification.
The CCF came to 1FEE with a vision, to redevelop an outdated, custom-coded, sprawling multi-functional (membership/database/restricted content) website, with a complete redesign and rebranding, and the Best Practices of the established, proven framework of Drupal CMS. 1FEE built the new site from the ground up, created a custom new design to reflect the CCF’s contemporary technology mission, and completely rearchitected the backend database, building in major new features for multiple stakeholders at all layers of hierarchy.